
Showing posts with the label oblivion

Hunger Pangs

What can I compare you to Ooh hunger pangs? An ulcer that upon her mouth soar fluid tasted Or a corrosive acid that Upon my skin fell? This weight of an empty stomach that Weighs me down as I in Slow motion rise from my sitting! What can I compare you to? To weight of liquor to a Drunk who can't find his footing, Or an empty tin that can't in a howling wind find its stand for its own weightlessness? A thunder storm roars not in clear sky, A cloudless sky. But in my empty belly, Roars this very storm! Ooh hunger pangs, To your own strength you concede! Gradually to vanity you vanish. As I to eternal bridge of darkness sink. Weakness I feel, Pain I feel not As to eternal oblivion I so journey.