The subject matter

The subject matter

The meaning and theme of a piece of art are the main focus of many art historians and critics. It is also a topic that is often discussed by the general public. Subject matter, massage, and meaning are essential to all great pieces of writing. Without a well-developed subject matter, your writing will feel disjointed and pointless. Your readers will be unable to connect with your work on a deeper level without a strong focus.


Similarly, your writing will not be effective unless it provides a sense of massage. This means that your words should be smooth and easy to read. They should flow together in order to create a cohesive whole. If your words are choppy and jarring, your readers will be turned off from your content.


Lastly, all great writing must answer the questions;

What is the poet trying to say? What is the message that they are trying to communicate to the audience? These are the types of questions that are asked when discussing the meaning and theme of a work of art.


So, subject matter is what the poem is about. That is, its meaning or the message the poet is putting across. This includes all the aspects of the message and not merely the central idea. Theme on the other hand is the central idea in the poem.

Subject matter varies from critic to critic or from analyst to analyst. There can be as many meanings to a poem as there are readers of that poem since the interpretation depend on the individual experience and exposure.


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