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Form or Structure.

Poetry is one of the oldest and most versatile forms of literature. It is often seen as a free form of writing where the writer can let their emotions and thoughts roam free.  It can be used to tell stories, convey emotions, make a statement, or simply entertain. While this may be true to some extent, poetry still has a form and structure that the writer must adhere to. To make your poetry effective, it's important to understand the form and structure of poetry. The most basic unit of poetry is the line. A line can be as short as one word or as long as an entire line of a page. Most poems are composed of multiple lines, which are usually grouped into stanzas. A stanza is a unit of poetry that typically contains multiple lines and is self-contained. The most common form of poetry is the sonnet, which is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and structure. Other forms of poetry include the haiku (from japan), cinquain, and ghazal. THE STRUCTURE/FORM. The form of a poem has to d

Introduction to Poetry

Poetry can be one of the most powerful forms of expression. It can be used to convey an idea, a feeling, or just to make people think. Some of the most famous and well-known poems were written in response to major events in history, such as wars or natural disasters. Others are just meant to make people feel good or to show them a new perspective on life. No matter what the reason, poetry is a medium that should not be ignored. Poetry is often seen as a complex and inaccessible form of writing, but it doesn't have to be. By starting with some basic terminology and getting a sense of the different forms poetry can take, anyone can begin to enjoy this type of writing. Once you understand the basics, read some poems that appeal to you and try composing your own. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.   Why is it important to study  poetry ? People often think of poetry as something difficult to understand, or that is only meant for people who are “artsy” or “sensitive.” Whil