How to Read a Poem and Understand It Better


Photo by cpastrick on Pixabay

Reading a poem can seem like a daunting task. After all, it’s just a bunch of words, right? How much can you really understand when reading just one page? Reading poetry is not as easy as it seems. There are many layers to each piece, and you’ll find that the more you read and understand these poems, the more there is to uncover. But how do you go about doing this? Readers often shy away from poetry because they don’t know where to start or feel like there is some hidden code they need to crack in order to understand it properly. This blog will help you break down the barriers when reading poetry.

Read Slowly

One of the most important things when reading poetry is to read slowly. This is because you need time to absorb everything that’s happening in the poem. You’ll find that the more you read a piece of poetry, the more it becomes ingrained in your head and the more you discover. It’s like peeling an onion – you need to go through the layers to get to the core. You can’t do this if you rush through it. When you read a poem slowly, you need to think about the words you’re reading and how they’re being used. You need to pay attention to the pacing of the lines, the way the poem is structured, and who the speaker is. You need to make sure that you don’t just skim through the poem and think about what you’re going to have for dinner.


Find the Meaning of Each Poem’s Parts

When reading a poem, it’s important to understand the meaning behind each part of the poem. This will help you understand the poem as a whole and make it easier to read and understand. - First line: This is often considered the most important part of a poem and is often a summary of what the poem is about. It can also be used as a hook to draw the reader in. - Second line: This is often the scheme or the theme of the poem. You may need to read between the lines and connect the dots to find this, but it’s a good idea to know what the author is trying to convey. - Middle lines: This is the body of the poem where the author goes into more detail about what they’re trying to say. You may find that these lines are more ambiguous and can be interpreted in different ways. - Last line: The last line of a poem can be very important as it sums up everything that has been said in the poem up to that point. It may have a different message to the first line, but it will tie everything together.

Identify Theme and Rhythm

The theme of a poem is what it’s trying to convey. It’s the reason behind why the author wrote the poem. It’s what they want you to take away from reading the poem. There are many different themes that can be explored when reading a poem. It really depends on the mood of the poem and how it’s being conveyed. Some themes that are often explored are love, friendship, lust, dreams, death, or the passage of time. As well as understanding what the poem is about, you also need to understand the rhythm of the poem. This is basically how the poem is written. The rhythm and pacing of each poem are different, and this will make the poem more unique and stand out from the rest. It’s important to understand the rhythm of a poem because it can help you better understand the poem as a whole.

Sum up Your Feelings About the Poem

When reading a poem, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the author and think about how you would feel if you were writing it. Look at what the poem is about and try to figure out why it was written and what the author was trying to convey. This will help you understand the poem more and will make it easier to read. You may also want to consider the mood of the poem. This can be found within the first few lines and is often described as a feeling or a mood. For example, if there is a feeling of sadness or despair, then the poem is probably sad or depressing. After you have read the poem, take a moment to reflect on it and jot down a few notes in your journal about what it made you feel. What did you find most meaningful about it? What resonated with you? What was the message that you took away from the poem that spoke most to you? These are the things that you can use to create your own personalised poem for your loved one.

Try Reading It Again

Once you’ve read a poem and understand it, you may feel like you’ve got all there is to get out of it. But poetry is deep and often has many layers to it that can be discovered with each read. When reading a poem again, it’s important to look at it with a fresh pair of eyes. This means that you try to forget everything you’ve already read and know about the poem. This will help you understand it better and pick up on things that you may have missed the first time around. Keep a notepad beside you or have a notebook where you can write down your thoughts as you go. This will help you pick up on the different layers and will make it easier to understand the poem.

Take Notes or Write Down Your Thoughts

This is a great thing to do if you’re studying poetry. Not only does it help you understand the poem better, but it also makes it easier to memorize and recall when needed. When taking notes or writing down your thoughts, it’s important to analyze the poem and break it down. You’ll want to look at the different parts of the poem and write down any observations or questions you have. This will help you understand the poem better and make it easier to comprehend. Poetry can be read and interpreted in many different ways. The best way to understand it better is to read it and think about it. There is no right or wrong way to read a poem. It really depends on how you want to approach it. There is no time limit when you’re reading a poem. Take your time and don’t feel like you need to rush through it and understand it straight away. The more you read, the better you will get at it. And once you get started, you’ll find that it’s like a drug – you’ll want to read more and more.





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