When I am but Lonely.

When I am but lonely,
In this years season
When trees are but naked,
The only sound being;
The gurgling of the River,
Whispering of wind,
Chipping of birds,
Whistling of Insects,
And creaking of this very
Lost leaves

Under my light feet
As I gently walk to rest
This light body with
A bulky soul
Laden by thought of you,
I regret every step
That brings me far, far from you
On this very gently rising landscape
Where the horizon so journeys undisturbed
All is grey.
As grey as my soul
Oh, How I wish to see green

As I lay and watch the dying
Warm Golden Sun,
That simmers over the horizon,
I wish you were here
Here by my side
When I am but lonely.


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